I bow in humble submission before Jesus Christ for His mercy, grace, and love toward me. Everything I am and everything I ever hope to be will come to pass because of His goodness. I do not take life for granted because the Word of God tells me that we do not know the day nor the hour that the Son of Man cometh. Therefore, each day that the Lord allows us to see, we should make things right with Him and our fellowman.

Women of God, women of Pilgrim, I thank you for your love, support, and encouragement. In my prayers for you, I ask God to bless each of you and to bring us closer together as one body in Christ. "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we are bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many." (I Cor. 12:13-14) So, as Christians let's not allow anything to hinder us from receiving God's promises.

Let us stay close as a family, stay focused, and stay faithful. Ephesians 6:16 talks about ...taking "the shield of faith...." The shield of faith is a vital part of the Christian armor. We are to put on the "whole armor of God" because the Christian life is a warfare, a spiritual conflict. As Paul mentions the different parts of the Christian armor, he emphasizes the shield of faith and its importance. He says that by taking the shield of faith, nothing can hurt you; you are more than conquerors through Him. But, without faith: you cannot be saved; cannot live victoriously over the world; cannot please God; cannot pray; cannot have peace with God; cannot have joy; you are justified by faith; you are to live by faith; Christ dwells in our hearts by faith; the Holy Spirit is received by faith; and "Whatsoever is not of faith is sin."

When we allow our faith to abound, it honors God, and God always honor faith.

Be strong my sisters, and keep the faith!

2 komente:

AB tha...

Amen, we are such a blessed church family with so many people who have various gifts, as we come together in love we can really make a much needed change in our community. I continue to praise God for you and Pastor.

111 tha...

There's the big word:FAITH,which is followed by the phrase--Have haith in...well, the pat answer is, "have faith the Lord," of course. But what about faith in action? One might reflect--"of course I have faith, didn't I just say I attend church services; my prayer life is solid;" and on.

But now, Sister Wadlington mentions through the Apostle Paul, that "faith is the key." My personal and responding question is, "Faith is the key to what?" Although christians understand what faith holds the key to, and why that's so, I'm stunted by the question; "What is my faith,--my personal walk with God--the key
to?" And I'm shocked and more than a little frightened that I've no pat answer--for myself.

I need a revolving answer to the way, who, and what about my personal walk in faith that I might ask for the right help, from the right person, at the right time.

I'll share an inspiring conversation I had recently. You know, when our Father decides to teach me a fundemental spiritual concept, most often I haven't a clue of what's coming until it's done. And I don't know about you but I usually think the lesson is going to bite!

But anyway, I found myself talking to Sister Wadlington after Sunday school a few weeks back. She offered sound ideas about "keeping one's faith in the face of life's changes. Like many families, mine has experienced the death of a family member, and sister was encouraging me in "thus saith the Lord."

Well, I noticed [not at first] that sister not only had a word for a sista, but what was most precious was that she touched my arm, gently;she touched my shoulder, gently; she ministered to my spirit, gently. What she shared was about developing power in faith, and that the demonstration of such in our everyday life will come as we waith patiently on God. I hung on to her every word!

What I carry with me from the love and counsel of that conversation is that no matter the situation or the cost, I have an opportunity to develop my character by listening, and by watching other christens minister to others. People watch and mimic actions more than words.
I have learned that smiling at someone is a gift of faith. I have learned that listening to the counsel of another christen woman is believing in the faith, in her faith. So when I feel my faith wavering, albeit I can't describe the category of faith at that moment, I know that God is about to redirect me in character development.
I sense that Sister Wadlington is ministering to us now about developing our faith to the level of selflessness and forgivness. Sometimes I've learned the foolishness of an argument too late. But, will I not have another chance to clean up my side of the chaos under the direction of christian charity and love? Yes! this is the promise of faith in the risen Savior! I'm not sure I'll ever get the ever moving "it" of the christian battle, but what I am certain of [does this mean my faith in?] is that I've learned to fake it until I make it. And "it" works. I mimic the behavior of the women in the body of christ, until I develop that characteristic with focus and intent. Is this a faith that works? I hope so.
mary ellen