From the earliest days of our lives, we have lived in a world of broken things. Broken homes, broken hearts, broken bodies, broken vows, shattered dreams, and broken lives are all too prevalent even to those of us who have a distinct, personal relationship with the Lord. All along the way lies fragments of things that we once considered hope and joy; and dreams of happiness and success. Everything must be broken before it can be used. Jesus' principle of brokenness is stated in John 12:24: ". . . except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." This symbolizes a journey of life from the cradle to the grave. Even at birth, we must be broken away from our mothers; and as we journey down life's path, our course takes us places where we are met with brokenness.

Are you broken? If you are, here is a bit of hope and comfort for you. God, through His Son Jesus, has every broken piece in the lives of His children to fit somewhere in the complete portrait of His divine, eternal kingdom. If you are broken, it is the assurance that Jesus is making you useful by making you better, more beautiful, and more enduring for His Glory.

Until Jesus died on Calvary - "And when He had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me" - 1 Cor. 11:24 - all the impossibilities became possible. We think of broken things as a loss, but God turns them into gain. Even in nature, broken things are cast aside; but in Grace, God will never use a man until he is broken and his usefulness serves a purpose.

Yes, broken things are common in all our lives, and no one can escape them!

2 komente:

Unknown tha...

Oh My Sister:
How your words comfort me. I am now in Syracuse, Indiana, as homesick as can be. I am surprised at this feeling because I came on the commission of our Lord. But here I am missing the very people, places, and things that I believed I'd not look at in sorrow. I was happy that God nudged me to bring my gifts to northern Indiana. But now my spirit weeps for home. And yet, I am on the internet reading your lovely and inspiring message. My spirit is filled. I can hear your voice sister. Thank you for your prayers and for telling me one day--"just worry about yourself. Do what God tells you to do." So simple. So true. so righton!
In peace and sisterhood,
mary ellen floyd

First Lady Pearlie Wadlington tha...

May God continue to bless you, Mary Ellen. And never forget that when He leads you, that's where you are supposed to be. Be Blessed and we will stay prayerful for each other.

In His Name,

Pearlie Wadlington