I bow in humble submission before Jesus Christ for His mercy, grace, and love toward me. Everything I am and everything I ever hope to be will come to pass because of His goodness. I do not take life for granted because the Word of God tells me that we do not know the day nor the hour that the Son of Man cometh. Therefore, each day that the Lord allows us to see, we should make things right with Him and our fellowman.

Women of God, women of Pilgrim, I thank you for your love, support, and encouragement. In my prayers for you, I ask God to bless each of you and to bring us closer together as one body in Christ. "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we are bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many." (I Cor. 12:13-14) So, as Christians let's not allow anything to hinder us from receiving God's promises.

Let us stay close as a family, stay focused, and stay faithful. Ephesians 6:16 talks about ...taking "the shield of faith...." The shield of faith is a vital part of the Christian armor. We are to put on the "whole armor of God" because the Christian life is a warfare, a spiritual conflict. As Paul mentions the different parts of the Christian armor, he emphasizes the shield of faith and its importance. He says that by taking the shield of faith, nothing can hurt you; you are more than conquerors through Him. But, without faith: you cannot be saved; cannot live victoriously over the world; cannot please God; cannot pray; cannot have peace with God; cannot have joy; you are justified by faith; you are to live by faith; Christ dwells in our hearts by faith; the Holy Spirit is received by faith; and "Whatsoever is not of faith is sin."

When we allow our faith to abound, it honors God, and God always honor faith.

Be strong my sisters, and keep the faith!


A few Saturdays ago, I attended the Not To Believers Like Us (N2BLU) Seminar on Domestic and Family Violence. Someone once said that confession is good for the soul; so I am confessing that prior to attending the seminar, I was totally ignorant of the statistical data associated with domestic violence. The specificity of violence was an eye-opener for me, and having spoken with victims of domestic violence, I was even more baffled by the fact that violence of this magnitude actually exists. I have never doubted that domestic and family violence occur, I just did not know to what extent. And to know the different facets of violence were even more disturbing so much so that it caused me to reflect back to March 1989, when my best friend and college roommate was fatally stabbed to death as a result of violence at the hands of a boyfriend.

The information and resources available at the seminar were astronomical with emphasis placed mainly on battered women - which I can understand because more women are battered than men - but, what about the children? How do they cope with violence in the family and who speaks for them? I have noticed lately that the media is exposing perpetrators who are taking advantage of babies and younger children. (This does not excludes older children and adults). Just recently a perpetrator was arrested for having sexually molested a three-year-old girl for four years. And it appeared, according to the media, that the girl was so traumatized, she totally blotted out what had happened to her. This is just one story. There are many. Some we hear about; some we do not. Some are in other cities, states, and countries; some are in our neighborhoods.

We, as a society, must get involved and speak up for those who can not speak for themselves. Children are being killed, stolen, sold, and used as "sex objects". If we do not speak for them - WHO WILL? If we do not do it now - WHEN? Love and compassion are virtues of Jesus Christ which we must exemplify. We can no longer be silent because no family (house) is exempt, and violence has no regard to race, creed, color, national origin, or gender. Victims of domestic and family violence are hurting, and we must be an advocate for them and their children. We do care, and from the seminar, we may now be in a better posture to identify and understand the emotional scars associated with abuse. I pray that God will soften our hearts so that the victims can feel safe and secure in seeking the help they so desperately need. "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." (2 Cor. 12:9) BE BLESSED MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS AND STAY PRAYERFUL!


Reflecting back over my life during the time when I accepted Christ as my Savior, and Him having called me out of darkness into His marvelous light, I realize that I owe Jesus "every ounce of my being". I owe Him the best that I have - my talents, my service and devotion, my all. By rendering service to Jesus, I must follow His examples by serving my fellowman. The qualities of good character, a virtuous life, a sense of dependability, a right attitude of kindness and love toward my neighbors and all with whom I come in contact, being just in my dealings with my fellowman, helping in times of need, sickness, or distress, being temperate in all things, and avoiding anything harmful to my body are also owed to Him.

As His servant, I have an obligation to the church by witnessing about the goodness and wondrous love and redemption found in Jesus Christ. Matthew 22:21 states " . . . Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's". Therefore, I must support the church financially as the Lord has prospered me in an effort for the Lord's work to continue.

My spiritual strength comes from my desire to grow in grace and the consummation of that desire filters through a life of prayer and Bible study so that my service will be unto His glory. And, while I may fall far short of my duties and obligations to God and the church, His grace is sufficient for me to continue climbing up the mountain of despair by way of leading me around the stumbling blocks that Satan puts in my path. God's favor and my faith allow me to count it all joy when I am tried and tested, and I can rejoice in spite of my circumstances. JESUS has already overcome the world. LORD, SPEAK TO ME SO THAT I MAY SPEAK!


From the earliest days of our lives, we have lived in a world of broken things. Broken homes, broken hearts, broken bodies, broken vows, shattered dreams, and broken lives are all too prevalent even to those of us who have a distinct, personal relationship with the Lord. All along the way lies fragments of things that we once considered hope and joy; and dreams of happiness and success. Everything must be broken before it can be used. Jesus' principle of brokenness is stated in John 12:24: ". . . except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." This symbolizes a journey of life from the cradle to the grave. Even at birth, we must be broken away from our mothers; and as we journey down life's path, our course takes us places where we are met with brokenness.

Are you broken? If you are, here is a bit of hope and comfort for you. God, through His Son Jesus, has every broken piece in the lives of His children to fit somewhere in the complete portrait of His divine, eternal kingdom. If you are broken, it is the assurance that Jesus is making you useful by making you better, more beautiful, and more enduring for His Glory.

Until Jesus died on Calvary - "And when He had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me" - 1 Cor. 11:24 - all the impossibilities became possible. We think of broken things as a loss, but God turns them into gain. Even in nature, broken things are cast aside; but in Grace, God will never use a man until he is broken and his usefulness serves a purpose.

Yes, broken things are common in all our lives, and no one can escape them!


In rebuilding a bridge to span the gap created between older and younger women, its completion provides the foundational structure to reach beyond our differences and adhere to Paul's call in Titus 2:3-5. (Read the scripture). It is imperative that we equip a generation of women to be God's servants to live a holy, righteous life. Older women's power to compel younger women to resort back to the fold has but almost become stagnated. There is a serious breakdown in the line of communication and in nurturing. And we have become too complacent in our spreading of the Gospel. It is our duty to rebuild the bridge. In order to build, there are certain tools that we must have in order to start on its foundation: a love for God and our fellowman, a commitment to be holy, having a daily prayer and bible study life, and seeking God's guidance through the entire process. God has left us with the awesome responsibility of training younger women. If we do not train them, we are most likely in danger of producing a generation of women who neither will know nor understand what is required for holy living. The bridge will be rebuilt. Are you up to the challenge?

How Committed Are You?

Effective persuasion is the "order of the day", and is an ingredient necessary for church members to grow. Everybody must be a team player, and the role each one plays is essential. When we display a perception of what we think of others, think about the perception others have of us.

Do you ever wonder if those who head our committees and boards are fully committed to their roles and responsibilities? If you do, then, "How committed are you?" And even though the only person we can change is ourselves, the question remains. This could be a haunting reminder that something is missing. We must be a catalyst to those who lead so they can be the most effective, persuasive leaders capable of making intelligent decisions, handling differences of opinions, and relieving tensions. Committed leaders must practice what is found in Ephesians 4:1-3, "...walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." Thus, the leaders good feelings about themselves and their relationship with God tend to attract others who want to see what their enthusiasm and excitement are all about. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works....." (Matt. 5:16) When we do not take our obligations seriously, we not only disappoint ourselves, but God, and those who entrusted the authority in us.


There is an old cliche' that says "time will heal all wounds." However, a wound left unattended will either take a long time to heal, or it will not heal at all. Old wounds and scars can hinder church growth, destroy relationships, and even cause health issues. Read the passages of scriptures in Ephesians 4:32 and Colossians 3:13 to further understand the concept of forgiveness.

We must learn to live together in harmony. But living in harmony takes Christ being in the center of our lives. "Treat" people the way you want to be treated. Learn with Jesus' help how to forgive.

There is an expensive price tag to pay for non-forgiveness. It is "pride", and God will not forgive us if we won't forgive our fellowman.

Take the self exam. Stop looking at others faults but look within yourself.

Be encouraged and of good cheer!