When tempers flare and attitudes need adjusting, it makes one want to just throw up their hands and say "forget this". And, if the individuals' acts of impropriety are not bad enough, they try to justify such behavior. But, if the truth be told, this is an attention-getter. Some people's egos are like addicts; they need stroking or, they will throw a tantrum. This is a deceptive motive but unfortunately sometimes it gets them the attention that they want. While it would be easy to walk away from a situation such as this, the Holy Spirit just will not allow us to do it. He immediately intercedes and reminds us that Jesus would handle the situation(s) totally different in a much nicer, more loving, kinder, gentler way.
So what is the problem? The problem is that these people need a spiritual renewal---a discipline of the mind and heart. We should embrace them when they are hurting or in pain; but again, if it is only to get attention, then these people need to seek someone with more discernment than us. Sometimes the only thing we can do for these individuals is to advise them; give them a Word. A thorough search of our hearts and souls will determine if we are contributors to satan's attacks on our lives. One of the hardest things to do is to admit when we are "wrong". Admittance of such, however, will begin the healing process. We cause some of the hurt in our own lives because of our tongue, selfish pride, and as a result we reap what we sow. We should never sow discord among our brothers and sisters because this is one of the things that God says HE HATES. (Proverbs 6:19) Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to change our bad habits, thought patterns, and selfish acts. They will get you nowhere, but will cause a lot of grief.
R - E - S - P - E - C - T is a word that has to always be in the forefront of our mind, body, and soul because it seems difficult to respect those whom we do not love. But the Bible makes it very clear, WE MUST LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Christ commands it. So, let's stop playing games, plotting, and scheming. We are the ones who are supposed to carry God's Messages to the lost. And, when we get caught up in worldly things, we lose our drawing power.
Spiritual renewal allows us to look at life differently, and gives us a different perspective on the people whom we shy away from. All of us are God's children. So do not pat yourselves on your chest too boastfully, because God loves us all the same. "For there is no respect of persons with God". (Romans 2:9) He is an advocate for all of us. And, if we do not love or respect each other on earth, God is not getting any glory when we PRETEND to glorify Him. We say we love God; God says we are LIARS, if we hate our brothers. (1 John 4:20)
Having a new mind in Christ makes our lives better; our walk with Him will be clearer and not cloudy or doubtful; and our focus will be on the Cross, not on ourselves. God is still standing with outstretched arms waiting for us to CHANGE. Get your attitudes off your shoulders and come join the rest of us in the spirit of love, fellowship, and joy! We have too much work to do for the cause of Christ to allow the world to deter/detain us! So let's stay focused on the things that is important to Jesus Christ.
And, in spite of it all, may God continue to richly bless and keep each of you in perfect peace as you keep your minds stayed on Him. It is not about you; it is about JESUS!