There is an old cliche' that says "time will heal all wounds." However, a wound left unattended will either take a long time to heal, or it will not heal at all. Old wounds and scars can hinder church growth, destroy relationships, and even cause health issues. Read the passages of scriptures in Ephesians 4:32 and Colossians 3:13 to further understand the concept of forgiveness.
We must learn to live together in harmony. But living in harmony takes Christ being in the center of our lives. "Treat" people the way you want to be treated. Learn with Jesus' help how to forgive.
There is an expensive price tag to pay for non-forgiveness. It is "pride", and God will not forgive us if we won't forgive our fellowman.
Take the self exam. Stop looking at others faults but look within yourself.
Be encouraged and of good cheer!
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